Jun 10Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thanks for another great article. A healthy recovery wish for your wife.

I am sad like you. Peace seems like such a difficult task, and yet the celebration of D-Day reminds me of what it must have been like in the days before the end of the war. We must always keep hope alive.

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Indeed, we live in similar dark times. Let’s see if we can find a way out. The European elections yesterday promise an even rougher road! Let’s see!

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Some quick thoughts. The two state solution is gone, gone many years ago. We are flogging a horse that no party in the region will accept.

There is the one state. It would need to be secular in its constitution to accommodate both Jews and Palestinian ethnic entities. Unfortunately, Jews will object because the proposal defeats the purpose of Israelis owning their own religious state.

We could think of a federation of two states. Could be mapped out.

Both Israel and Palestinian Territories are led by extreme right leadership. I cannot imagine a viable future that would émerge from such hostile antagonists. The resignation of Mr Gantz today does not resolve the stalemate between the extremes. In fact, this only exacerbates the problem.

Somewhere , somehow, someone must hit heads or should one simply walk away. This may sound cruel. But, how many more innocent women and children need to die before responsible adults, ie leadership, take over this agenda.

Maybe this leadership lies in a referral to UN Chapter XII concerning the UN Trusteeship System, Articles 76 - 83, if I am not mistaken. I can already see that there would be major resistance to even raising this possibility. I would take the time to think this tool over. It may, in the future , be the only way to resolve such an entrenched international problem. This could be best adapted to the case of post-war Gaza. Let’s explore alternative solutions rather than constantly ranting over what doesn’t work!

If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.

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Many thanks François. Thinking outside of the box is essential even if it seems impossible at the beginning. A few qyestions: who would negotiate on the part of the Palestinians? Why would Israel, a Jewsih state with a mighty hi tech economy and strong military give up its sovereignty and Jewish to form a secular federation with the Palestinians? Why would it submit to Trusteeship status? With over 20 Arab states in which non-Arabs are often persecuted and killed, what is wronf with one small Jewish state in the neighborhood? I agree we have to look for solutions. But we must also ask questions about which solutions have a chance of working. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. That is why we all need a revolution of the mentalities and begin teaching Palestinian and Israeli children to reach out to each other rather than hate each other. That begins with the parents and with each country's education system. All the best!

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I was somewhat expecting this answer. You will note that my text never suggests a trusteeship for israel. I do specify such an approach for Gaza. I virtually discount any changes for Israel. I would strongly suggest , however, that it’s extreme right and ultra religious governance be challenged a bit more forcefully by friendly alliies

Concerning trusteeship: the UN as an institution shouldn’t be involved in the direct governance. Neither should the Permanent Members of the Security Council . Countries such as Norway, Morocco and maybe a few others, could well be approached to undertake such a risky mandate task. I could have added Canada but , unfortunately, it is now doubtful that we have the credibility and the political courage to be considered.

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I agree that a trusteeship for Gaza could be a solution. But what if Hamas is unwilling to lay down its arms and cease hostilities? I also agree that Israel's allies must rein in Netanyahu until the Israelis do so in the next election. The news Israeli government will have to grapple with the illegal settles who now number in the tens of thousands and are the most hard lie of the hard liners. Let's see if the powers that be agree!

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Please note that I specifically mentioned « post-war Gaza « in my first comment !

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My mistake. At the hospital checking my wife out after an appenectomy. My cognitive skills are hampered. Yes, post war Gaza if one could get Hamas to agree.

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I wish your wife a prompt recovery. And, you should take some time off from this track and rest with family. Salutations.

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Many thanks cher ami. She is fine and we just got home, so it’s back to the keyboard!

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I have an idea. Radical? Most certainly. Science fiction? To some extent. Impossible? Not as impossible as the current situation.

These people have all lost sight of the bigger picture: we are all creations of God, and all of our hateful thoughts are a betrayal of our creator. Whether Christian, Moslem, agnostic, atheist, Hindu, Zoroastrian, it's all the same. None can try to lord it over the others and claim godliness.

Those people have also lost all reason, the inability to think beyond the past, with absolutely no vision of the future, which they are seeing, yet not seeing, reflected in Gaza at it stands today. A wasteland. That is where we are headed with the tactics they are using.

It's time to do something radical. For instance, send them to separate corners. Take Gaza away from the Palestinians and give it to Greenpeace or Avaaz or some such organization, to rebuild in the image of natural (as opposed to man's) laws. Send the Palestinians to, I don't know, the Australian desert, and let them reflect like Jesus did, and grow up. Take the Jewish people out of Israel and send them to Alberta, why not? and give them a chance to build another community (which they have shown themselves more than capable of doing) in our own paradise. And make Jerusalem a holy protectorate that belongs to no one nation, but to the world. Better than the Vatican.

The decision should be made by young and old people who have shown their commitment to the welfare of the planet and of humanity. Greta Thunberg, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George and Amal Clooney, to name the most obvious ones.

When you feel boxed in, feel free to think outside the box.

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Kati, reality dictates that this is wayyyyyyyyy out of the box! There is noo way Jews would give up Israel, nor could anyone force them to. And what have they done to deserve Alberta?

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For the sake of peace and the survival of their children, they wouldn't give up Israel? At some point, weren't they willing to accept Angola? The risk of their annihilation is just as great now as it was then. Not saying Alberta is the only option, but I think they turned the Israeli desert into a prosperous fertile land, and they should be rewarded for their efforts. As you said in one of your previous articles

, the Palestinians missed their chance to turn their land into what could have been a paradise, economically, socially and culturally. They could have had a second Singapore.

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Jews would never give up Israel, which is why they have built up a formidable military machine and hi-tech industry. Sorry Kati, but I think this is a non-starter.

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Then we're dead. All of us. Unless someone comes up with something that does not require a "formidable military machine"

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I’m afraid you are right. Sadly, violence is part of the human condition as is territoriality and nationalistic and religous identity and chauvinism. The bane of our existence!

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Partotying incessantly all the old Israrli propaganda against any national state rights for Palestine will not get to the 2 state solution required by Potus, UN, Arab Muslim world EU ie whole world but rejected by Israrl. You should get with the program.

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Very good George. And who would negotiate for the Palestinians?

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The chosen representativesof the state of Palestine now recognized internationally by more andmore countries and with the Israrlis out of Palestine and done manipulating dividing occupying, apartheiding and nowplausibly genociding Palestine.

Was in Isrsrl Palestine qhen Netanyahu killed the Obama, Kerry Biden initiative and Biden must ensure thst this does not hapoen a second time. And stop calling all the Oalestinians terrorists like the Israelis in thei never ceasing propaganda.

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Who are those chosen representatives if Palestinians have never had a free election and the PA has been in power without an election for 18 years and Hamas for 17. George, stop sounding like a complete shill for Hamas and make some proposals that make sense.

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