I think you put your finger on exactly the right issue. Trump is a more attractive candidate to so many Americans simply because he seems more physically dynamic and energetic…traits that Americans seem to value more than mental ability and smartness (witness their choice of superheroes…who have to break out of their geeky alter egos into beings with God-like physical powers to save the world).

I worry that no amount of image work around Biden can change that perception…and that the Democrats have now missed the opportunity to run a candidate who can beat Trump. For, notwithstanding all his positive achievements (again I agree with you), I fear that Biden is unreelectable!

I pray that I am wrong…as human civilisation may not withstand another 4 years of Trump in the guise of Lunatic-in-Chief.

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Many thanks Steve. I am very concerned but hopeful that in the end, the current polls will have proven inflated and that Biden will win, for the sake of humanity! All the best!

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I share your sentiment…but this is why I’m worried: https://x.com/stone_skynews/status/1754942128382267674?s=46&t=69yHSV9Dq6cY7JAIZHdHnQ

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I agree. He is a strength (the effective and honest team he had) and a weakness (his age and mental fatigue). All we can do at this stage is pray!

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I've yet to read a more thorough analysis of the situation.

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Many thanks Kati. I hope that time will turn Biden's numbers around and ensure a victory in November. All the best!

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