Eduardo, a hypothetical question for you...Should Justin finally read his tea leaves and elect to move along and a desirable Liberal be found in time, do you think Polievre would be the loser or are people just in the mood for change and ready to change horses.

Thanks for keeping a lot of us on our toes and thinking!

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Many thanks Jackie. It all would depend on who the Liberals select as leader and what perceptions of change and what policies he/she proposed. Poiñievre id disliked enough to give a renewed Liberal party and leadet a chance.

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It seems to me that politics is the art of horse-trading to gain the supporters you need to carry out your policies. You can't do it without making deals. I wouldn't worry about silly things like access to public WCs. There really should be no difference there, so I'm all in favour of women's and men's products (feminine hygiene, condoms, what-not) in both. But letting in refugees from Gaza without vetting them...well, that's dumb. I hadn't heard about that one. Likewise, bringing the level of hate and deceit Poilievre espouses into our country is dumb, worse than dumb. We're lucky to have a decent MP in our area, who does his job, and happens to belong to the ruling party. Ours is an easy choice.

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After much criticism, I hope the government changes its mind about the Gaza refugees. Glad you have a decent MP for your riding. Unfortunately, PM's independently don't make much of a dent against party machines and the PMO/PCO brainiacs who actually run the country regardless of who is in power. Big hug!

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Exactly- stuck in the middle. No place to go. Canada a once respected country on the world stage, reduced to nonsensical priorities, our reputation in tatters. It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

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Indeed. The future looks bleak!

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Yes, stuck in the middle with you, as so many others. Sadly we will have to hold our noses this next election and vote for what we think is the lesser of evils. Frying pan into the fire anyone?

There is no white knight on the horizon.

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Indeed not. The rest of the world appears to be in a similar position. The white knights appear to avoid running for office as long as the rats are in charge. Poor Canada, poor world.

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Hello, Eduardo

You are expressing feelings that many Canadians share. The Centre has been abandoned , not only in Canada. Our brains have been shaped over half a century by a binary system. We are either a 1 or a 0. The result is that we have great difficulty with nuances. With the increasing role of AI, will we be able to move away from a binary systrem? What will younger generations bring to public policy? For the short term, it seems that we will continue to be driven by extremists. My hope, is that we will learn from the disfunctional experience of our times.

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I hope that day comes soon, because I fear we are running out of time! Un gran abrazo!

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It is always intriguing to witness how a comment in response to one article is transported to another text without quoting the context. I indeed mentioned the apparent tilt like the Tower of Pisa in the response to your article related to Fascism and Common Sense. The comment had nothing to do with the political notion of right or left. It had more to do with bias. Your introduction did not greatly enhance the rest of your commentary. Mais enfin.

I agree with most of your views in this article. I too do not see myself anywhere at all enthusiastic, or even encouraged, by Canadian politics at this time. But I would not position myself in the centre , a situation that would seem to offer only sterility of action . If I were an « influencer « , l would no doubt suggest certain avenues leaning towards the progressive left. Canadian politics need a few more adults in the Chambers!

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Many thanks François for keeping me on my toes. In fact, I believe in progress where it makes sense. Some of the things the Liberals have done are excellent, such as $10 per day daycare. Other things like dental care make little sense at a time when government cannot fund or manage medicare and provide proper snd timely health services to all Canadians. My centrism is based on common sense and not on blind ideology.

Thanks for providing your thoughts and providing fuel for my articles. Much appreciated!

Un abrazo

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