Apr 3Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I doubt Trump is that clever. More likely the ones pulling his strings are guiding him, and will continue to guide him should he win...as you indicated. Which raises the question of who actually will be governing the US if Trump wins.

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Putin of course. Trump is his creature.

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I doubt whether he. will win the election however that jackass Kennedy … well who knows!!!

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RFK will not win, but he may make Biden lose!

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Yes that was my point !

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Apr 3Liked by Eduardo del Buey

You bring useful information to the table. It is fascinating to observe what money can buy.

Thank you, Eduardo.

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Money can buy many things, but things are not what matters in defining a lfe. Life is defined by ethics, empathy, benevolence, and love. And Trump is a very poor man in my measures of a successful life. Un gran abrazo!

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What I find truly truly confusing regarding Jan 6 th is that he undoubtedly was the main instigator in that plot to overthrow the government! So why is he not also a co conspirator for MURDER?

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Because Attorney General Merrick Garland is incompetent or worse!

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I was afraid of that.

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