Apr 29Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Yesterday, I walked by a demonstration next to the Court House on Elgin Street in Ottawa. I was in a hurry, so all I had a chance to hear was a lot of shouting, ending with "no more political prisoners!!!" repeated over and over again. I felt like walking up to the woman with the microphone and asking her whether she thought that should apply to all political prisoners, including those who advocate murdering people not of their religion (eastern Muslims), and whether she realized that such a demonstration would never be permitted in eastern Muslim countries. I didn't think the decorative police officers standing off to one side would do much to ward off violence, but maybe they would arrest me for hate speech.. Another example of how right you are.

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Thank you Kati. Don’t tempt them. They are unhingrd! That’s what scares me, they are clearly irrational, and irrational people are dangersous!

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Apr 29Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Early education and instilling good values and trying to develop good judgement began at home in our day Eduardo. Sadly, for many reasons much of this has gone by the way side, I believe. The 'programming' is left to many different sources, no wonder much has changed, not for the better, in our society.

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Indeed it has. We forgo critical thinking and try to be friends with our children rather than parents. This, together with social media at a young age, hinders the development of critical thinking. Children must know that making the wrong choice or doing the wrong thing has its costs and consequences. Sadly, this is not so for many children.

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Apr 29Liked by Eduardo del Buey


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