It would have been useful to also research how much the North American military industry donates to our universities. Possibly in the billions.

Sometimes, the democratic process takes more time to take action. Comments on recent events at Colombia and McGill might alter some of your perceptions and thinking. Due process is always necessary to allow for appropriate action against unwanted manifestations.

For those who still believe that a Palestine state is at all possible beyond Hamas… forget the idea! It is already not possible in the West Bank alone! Israel is making it plain sure of this outcome. Was there ever a « ceasefire « over the last few years?

Finally, I would recommendwe all read the latest Human Rights Watch Report - israel and Palestine , Events of 2023, January 2024. Rather sobering!

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May 1·edited May 1Author

Many thanks François. The military in the United States contributes much funding to universities, but at the height of the Vietnam war this funding didn't make much of a dent in the perceptions of students and faculty who were overwhelmingly against the war. Whatever the military investment is in universities, it does not mitigate the fact that Arab money is buying major influence in the centers of higher learning that prepare our future leaders in all walks of life.

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If US military funding during the Vietnam conflict didn’t make much of a dent in the perceptions of students and faculty, how, then , is Arab money succeeding in buying influence in western universities? How have student campers benefited from such Arab funding? How were they influenced by money? Maybe profound values are at play, no? Am I to suppose that universities that receive less funding from middle-eastern sources are less susceptibles to student pro-Palestinian demonstrations? I guess that, if your proposition is valide, smaller universities in Canada, including French universities in Québec, receive less donations from the middle-east.

I have great problems with amalgams because too many are constructed on syllogisms which bias opinions. Le phénomène de la Tour de Pise!

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Well, it is strange that the universities in the US that receive Arab funding are the same ones where administrators and presidents seem to be backing the protestors and avoiding expelling them so that they can be deported for violating their visa status. As well, the fact that Iran, Hamas and others in the Arab world are congratulating the students and the universities for allowing the protests to continue unchecked underscores the fact that these protestors are contributing to the geopolitical goals of these Arab states and that these Arab states are getting their money's worth from their investments in terms of influencing the next generation of leaders who will graduate from these elite universities. Public diplomacy at its most effective.

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You should update. Why refer to the US universities and totally ignore McGill? La Tour de Pise? Quand ça fait ton affaire?

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Indeed. McGill and Concordia and other Canadian universities have been occupied. I have not been able to find reports of Arab funding, but all of the tents the occupiers are using everywhere seem to come from the same company.

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Well, I guess your response says it all. Are you supposing that the supplier of protestors’ tents is pro-Palestinian? Someone must know! Regardless, when one is down to questioning the source of purchase of tents for protesters, it says all, as I have mentioned above.

I would have preferred that one dwell on substance of the issues, not on some dubious form, like where the tents were purchased, to make a point. I asked three questions. One has been stumbled on tents. The other two have not even been buried . They have been totally ignored!

I therefore rest my case on this text. There seems no point on pursuing communication on substance!

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May 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Those numbers are mind blowing! No receipts? No records! How could we be so stupid? It's laughable! I'm sorry you were accused of being a fascist, but it's probably by one of these paid puppets. Thanks for posting this! You're a true mensch. lol!

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Many thanks Mickey. Indeed, the numbers are scary and the fact scarier! They are buying our youths' minds and that is worrisome! Big hug!

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May 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Hello Eduardo, You have many valid points in your article. Your observations about the substantial funding of American universities by authoritarian states from the Middle East, should be at least investigated.

However, I am not certain and I have not seen any serious studies to arrive at a conclusion that Multiculturalism has failed in Canada. What seems to be failing is citizen engagement in the political process. I always enjoy your stimulating articles. Best. JP

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Many thanks Jean Paul. I would like to see a serious study on multiculturalism in Canada, and the effects that it has had on the erosion or strengthening of national values. I believe that political correctness is diluting the strength of our values as our politicians cater to ethnic groups at the expense of Canadians as a whole. Appreciate your views always. Gran abrazo!

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