Jun 5Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Great article/summary... As shocking as the current politically inspired assault on Dr. Fauci by MJT and her cohorts is, it is even more shocking- but not surprising , that almost no-one in government (or media or academia) holds ex President Trump accountable for the over 1 million deaths that resulted while under his watch and " governance ". No Post Audit/Post Mortem/Guidebook for the fututre should this ever sadly happen again. Repub's have spent MUCH more time and political currency on Stop the Steal under Trump-than they ever did on Stop the Spread-under Dr. Fauci.

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Many thanks Howard. Indeed, the Republicans are not the people from whom to expect rational thought since most are now members of the Trump cult.

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Jun 5Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I read once that the great USA had more deaths from Covid per capita then any other country. Why Fauci is put to the test makes absolutely no sense. If hadn't been for him- more would have died! He is a hero! You're article reminds me of how no one contradicted the President, and he of course got on the news , since it was an opportunuty to get attention, and gave people this ridiculous advice which worsened the situation.

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Indeed. Freedom of speech seems to dissolve whan it imples speaking truth to power. Then we are mysteriously silent, as fear of losing whatever position we have overcomes our desire to fight for our right to speak freely. That article is coming soon!

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