Jul 2Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Hey there Eduardo, Gratiude is a great topic! It took a long time for me to discover it, and understand it , same as your guest, but I finally got it about 20 years ago. I have to remind myself to be grateful, and sometimes, most times it's small things. I have a few friends who share their top 3-5 what they're grateful for daily. Reading their entry is often more uplifitng than mine, beause i know what they are exprereincing. So it requires actively mining my gratiude, and sharing it. Like today, I'm grateful for my morning nespresso, some sun, a beautiful view of the lake, and being able to work from home! ( that's 4. Yay! thanks for your article.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

It is wonderful to discover the power of gratitude and use it to create a better life! Have a great day🌹

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Jul 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I love this reminder of the importance of gratitude. I was particularly delighted when I learned that gratitude, love, joy, awe are all emotions that raise our vibration (try if you don't know what I'm talking about). If you don't know but would be interested in finding out why that's important, Dr. Joe Dispenza summarizes and explains it beautifully in his work entitled "Becoming Superhuman" and in many of his videos. If you're interested in your health and that of your world, make the time to check it out.

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Indeed, they raise our own vibration as well as those around us. I have been practicing gratitude most of my life and find that it is contagious!

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Jul 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I've always found your ability to validate your interlocutor(s) very uplifting and energizing.

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Thanks 🌹🌹🌹

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