Apr 17Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thank you for this.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Author

Appreciate your reading it and your comment. All the best!

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Apr 13Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Dear Eduardo, You are an excellent writer. You have summarized complex issues in a way anyone who can read can understand. I am tempted to say, the 21st Century needs more sprituality. André Malraux, a great French intelectual who served as Minister of Culture under Charles de Gaulle, said that the 21st Century will be spiritual or will not be. If you analyze Angela Merkel's leadership you can detect a strong Christian influence. She decided to accept one million refugees, and it was all about her conviction as a Christian that it was the right thing to do.

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Many thanks querido amigo! Spirituality is vital for our survival. Yet many resist. And many lead others astray. That’s why I write. If each of us can lead one person to their path we will have justified our existence. Gran abrazo!

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Apr 12Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Wow, you sure take my mind to dark places! Isn't it about corruption as much as ideology? Colonialism sparked a hatred and mistrust of those who are different, who come from away to overtake out land and way of life. The US' manipulation of foreign regimes and resources in the past (and maybe now, I don't know) reinforced that mistrust and hatred. Trump's game with Putin is particularly perverse, as he's handing over the USA to the Russian monster's brainwashing machine. And his cronies are falling in line because he promises them power...under that hideous regime. Will Canada be the next to capitulate?

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I think so if Poilievre is elected. His advisors are all Americans who advise Trump. His strategies are clones of Trump's and his hatred for everything good runs deep. I fear for Canada if Canadians swallow his Kool-Aid! Big hug and bon weekend!

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