Mar 4Liked by Eduardo del Buey

We are so fortunate to live in this country. Truly, we are uniquely endowed with people who, as a rule, treat others with respect and compassion, and at the same time work hard and demand integrity from our employers. We have freedom of speech, freedom of association and any other number of freedoms that we take for granted. We have the right to expect and demand leaders who reflect those values. Poilievre is not such a man, and never will be. Trudeau is at least trying to behave as though he were, going over the top at times in his efforts to be "inclusive". I would take that over Poilievre's Trump-style imperialism any day, and I dread living in their world, which spawns and celebrates insults and abuse of others.

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Indeed. We can only hopr that civility will once again be re-established in the future, so long as we don't reward egregious behaviour by our politicians with our votes!

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Author

Indeed Kati. We have excellent examples of civility in the past, and we can work towards re-establishing it at the political level in the future if we become more demanding of our political leaders and don't reward egregious behaviour with our votes.

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Mar 4Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Where is our white Knight that will ride into the arena and unite us? In hiding or does he/she exist at all. We should have better options than what we have now

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Indeed. But it is what it is. And unfortunately we don’t have any choice but to hope Trudeau retires or defeats Poilievre.

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Sad but very true synopsis 🤷‍♂️👍

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