Feb 26Liked by Eduardo del Buey

1 Corinthians 1:10 Contemporary Entglish Version

"My dear friends, as a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, I beg you to get along with each other. Don't take sides. Always try to agree in what you think."

I agree with your views in this post. However the quote you headlined as found without much variation in the many versions of the Bible, old and new, clearly applies to followers of Christ. It is a useful reminder applicable today when one sees the scandal caused among Christians, when some Christians attack each other viciously

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Indeed Chere Anne. Many thanks for your comments.

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Feb 26Liked by Eduardo del Buey

This should always be front and centre in people's minds. We know so little about our creation, our creator, our purpose, but to allow churchmen to claim they know and insist we follow their teachings is absurd. When I wonder about creation, I go to Bill Bryson's A Brief History of Almost Everything, when I wonder about Christianity and Islam, I go to Nabeel Qureshi, Seeking Allah and Finding Jesus. And when I wonder about truth, I go into my heart to find out what makes it leap with joy and gratitude.

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Indeed Katy. The last segment of my series of articles on religious fascism is on sprituality, in which I argue that most religions have their personal spiritual paths that are kept from most adherents, and that one must stop looking outside oneself and begin to look inside oneself to find one's own personal truth.

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Feb 26Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thank you, Eduardo.

Your article helps us clarify our understanding of what does it mean to be a believer in God. We should always remember that God is an inclusive and generous source of Peace and Love.

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Indeed. But where to find God is the eternal question.

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Feb 26Liked by Eduardo del Buey

He or She might be evrywhere or anywhere. When we will be on our journey to eternal life, it is likely that we will have a better idea of who is God.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Author

We can begin here by employing some of the spiritual techniques that masters have brought us throughout the ages. Remember Christ went into the desert for 40 days to meditate.

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