Apr 18Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Very powerful article.

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Thank you. Big hug!

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Apr 18Liked by Eduardo del Buey

It's all about showmanship isn't it? Had Biden delivered his terrific state of the union address as flatly as Walter Cronkite, nobody would have believed him...many didn't anyhow despite the well-rehearsed show. And if it doesn't matter that Trump is a traitor, why should it matter if Poilièvre has some secrets to hide? I can't say I understand a society where people want to live in a cartoon.

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Indeed. We live in a world of smoke and mirrors!

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Apr 18Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Kudos! A powerful article with many many truths. How do we fix this.? Like Pandora's Box, once opened it can never be closed again. Do we blame it all on human nature and shrug ..?

The only voice we really have as John Q Public is to vote however getting the facts to make our choice is difficult but having a worthy candidate to vote for is quite another dilemma !

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Your comment raises some real truths. Where are the candidates who are willing to speak the truth regardless of how it will affect voters? Where are the journalists ready to report the facts and present them in such a way that all can understand it and respond to rather than to the lies that are often easier to digest? And where are the voters who can exercise critical judgment so as not to fall into populist traps? Where oh where indeed!

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