Apr 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I had no idea. None at all. This should be on the news, Fareed should be talking about it. There should be a documentary on it!

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Indeed Kati. But when it comes to antisemitism empathy is sadly lacking!

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Apr 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

As is understanding and awareness. I'd like to think those could change that.

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If only those could counteract thousands of years of unwarranted hatred!

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Apr 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Yeah - I’m angry too.

There were also 80,000 Jews in Egypt, and now none. I’m one of them. We were permitted to leave with 20 Egyptian pounds in 1953. By 1956 thousands fled. You’re right so many went to Israel, and the rest are dispersed. My cousins are all over the world.

No one helped us. No one cared. No one said a word or sent any assistance or money.

So Israel will do what it must as it decides.

Thanks for your article. M.

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Indeed Mickey. No one cares, and that’s what makes me angry! Big hug!

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Apr 2Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thanks for this Eduardo.

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Anytime! Appreciate the comments. They keep me on my toes! Have a great day!

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Apr 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

You offer very powerful arguments, Eduardo. Lots to do for justice towards the Jewish people.

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I agree. But how do we end the evil of antisemitism?

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Apr 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Such a complex issue in which so much injustice has taken place! We all have to recognize that displacing humans fue to the ir religious believes is not acceptable!

Terrorism is an enormuous danger for the World and has to be anihilated!

However for the displacement of humans and disappearing terrorism we have to convince all of us that is is possible and work to achieve it!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

Indeed. But first we must rid the world of the fanaticism that creates such movements. And that takes all of us! We must unfortunately engage in violence to erradicate from power these people who create these conditions if they do not want to change and leave power. Un gran abrazo!

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How is this relevant to Israel's genocide on the Palestinians?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

What happened to the Jews in Arab countries is ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Yet no one then or now has ever protested. Antisemitism at its worst.

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Agreed. But are you suggesting this is a reason for Israel conducting a genocide against the Palestinians?

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No. What I am saying is that there is a difference in how Jews are treated by the international community and that is due to historical antisemitism.

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