Mar 11Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thank you, Eduardo. You make a good case to expose the dangers of Legault's campaign to weaken Montreal's cosmopolitan attributes. His anti anglophone policies have almost no effect outside of Montreal. Montreal is attractive to foreign investment, to research and development because of its diversity. Populism seems to thrive among people with limited education and who remain parroquial in their thinking. Legault is exploiting populism to adance his negative feeling towards Montrealers.

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Indeed. It’s a shame when ignorant politicians preach hatred for personal or political gain!

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Mar 11Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Absolutely so. That cosmopolitan Quebec is the on we're entitled to, and should become the model for Canada, not its brush-off. And while we're at it, who reads or talks about labels or technical specs in anything but English anyhow?!

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It is nationalist populism run amok led by a Premier who hates anglophone Montreal!

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Eduardo when Bouchard was pm he used to hold weekly cocktails for journalists in Quebec City. At one of these I cornered legault then education minister to ask him why French students were being denied access to English instruction in violation of the constitutional rights of their parents; there was a pressure group on that and they were taking the government to court; I asked him where his kids went to school and were they allowed to learn English,,, and of course they didn’t have to be limited by the law- they went to the best French private school in the city

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12Author

The hypocrisy of ideologues! They keep the masses ignorant while their families enjoy the perks.

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Mar 13Liked by Eduardo del Buey

… it’s a class thing , exactly. Reminded me of the binding of feet in china, to keep women from running away ! Deliberately hobbling kids growing up…to be ignorant and proud of it

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Indeed. Ignorance and the ignorant use of power are eternal unfortunately.

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