As usual, I appreciate your succinct and thorough overview of the situation. I would offer as a suggestion that anyone unwilling to accept the full extent of the depravity of eastern/militant Islam should read the work of Nabeel Qureshi and watch the videos of David Wood. Among "anyone" I include followers of western Islam, who have been fed quite a different perspective on Islam than their eastern brethren. The other thing that should be mentioned, at some point, is the incredible violence among Muslim sects. It astounds me that a faith that demands its followers to turn against their own should be so popular. In truth, it frightens me.

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Indeed. I have never found the attraction of Islam, nor have I ever understood the spiritual benefits one could derive from such a religion that uses oppression as a fundamental tool for control.

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Es muy claro tu analisis de la situación. Agradezco en profundidad el mismo. Muchas gracias por ello.

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Mil gracias querido primo. Si, es una situacion bien complicada que no parece tener salida. Un gran abrazo para los dos!

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