May 18Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Yes, those changes, or transformations are e everywhere and ever-changing. On graduation, 50 years ago ( lol) they told us we were on the front lines, but holy smoke- it’s hard to keep up!

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May 18·edited May 19Author

So true! When I did my analytics for my MBA in 1974, the computer was accessed through punch cards. I now have more computing power on my cell that the Apollo astronauts had when they went to the moon!

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May 19Liked by Eduardo del Buey

That’s incredible! I remember the punch cards, but didn't realize how powerful our cells are! Thank you for a very interesting read. 🙏M.

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Thank you always for your wonderful comments!

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May 17Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I'm kind of curious why you didn't mention "shaping the future". Collecting data and massaging it to your benefit is fun. But surely those who "compete" have a responsibility to prompt "consumers" to behave in ways that are of benefit to the planet. Ergo, they should veer away from anything that encourages more energy burning, more hedonistic, more instant gratifying, more health damaging, more mindless consumption. After all, most of the captains of industry, the lords of finance have made their riches off the blood, sweat and toil of those consumers and their ancestors, not to mention the riches provided by Mother Earth, and they owe them a huge debt of gratitude, not further exploitation.

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Indeed, they have a responsibility. Today it is called corporate social responsibility and many companies are using this to improve tjeir participation in global economic and industrial development in a responsible manner. Your comment adds much value to my article and should be read alongside! All the best!

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