May 15Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Thanks for that. As it happens, I believe those who read your work are definitely richer for it.

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Many thanks, Kati for your constant encouragement and your role in helping me reach a wider audience. Big hug!

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May 16Liked by Eduardo del Buey

The term Critical Thinking is bandied about as if it is an elixir to bring forth goodness, honesty and possibly even truth. The reality is that critical thinking is quite a rare commodity in this world. Even thinking itself is in short supply among the great swath of humanity.

Almost everyone has an agenda of some sort. Objectivity is difficult to achieve. I even doubt my own opinions and conclusions regularly. That is not to say we should abandon the struggle to find answers. The search for "truth" is a sine qua non for achieving progress of any kind on any matter.

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Many thanks Doug. I think the main challenge we all face it to question our vision of things in a constantly changing world, and allow our values to deal with the changes by accepting when we have been wrong, accepting it, absorbing the changes we feel inside as our guide for analysing and concluding, but always realizing that we have much to learn and accepting the fact that we are never absolutely right. Anyone whose values remain cast in stone without allowing new information to modify them is not evolving. Critical thinking allows us to choose what is right in a constantly changing world and grafting it to our core values so that they evolve with time and circumstance. Greatly appreciate your comments as they help me hone my own thinking.

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May 15Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I'm so glad to have your eloquence to organize my own thoughts.

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Many thanks Gayle! And your comments give me the impetus to keep going!

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May 15Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Yeah, thanks for that. We can only do our best with what we have. I understand that. I have turned off the BBC, and CBC and concluded that they can’t be rehabilitated. I wonder some days if the weather report is accurate, or if the Jays actually lost. Years ago I was exposed to the idea that the news was designed for me, and that what I read was curated for me, fashion, recipes, news. I was so shocked- I cancelled all my hard copy subscriptions. But now what?

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May 15·edited May 15Author

Now we have to fish for those sources we believe are accurate. It will be a hit or miss process, but it is all we can do. Thanks for always commenting. It keeps me on my toes and I appreciate a dialogue! Big hug!

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May 17Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Hi Mickey. I, too, have abandoned most news related periodicals, the latest being Maclean's. I retain only the G&M digital edition mainly for the financial stuff plus a subscription to the Atlantic. My spouse get s her news from social media which can be problematic at times since she is subject to a barrage of conspiracies and other drivel. While never one for CNN or other American main stream, I did begin watching BBC (London) news for a more broad base of info with decidedly less Americana. However, The BBC has now taken up Ukraine and Israel to the point of nausea, so I am slowly disengaging , leaving me without a news source other than CTV at the moment. Any suggestions as to where I might turn for solid info? Doug Gardner.

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May 17Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Hey Douglas, Thanks for validating me. I honestly don't know what to advise. Eduardo said to pick through carefully. Another friend said MSNBC is ok, and another goes for FOX News. I watched CNN last night for the latest installment of Trump, and Michael Cohen's testimony, which was very entertaining. I recently started to run social media information through ChatboxGPT, and Wiki, to check for background. So Eduardo is right, pick through it carefully. CP 24 - local news-seems ok for very local news. M.

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Hello again M. I find TV news in general very frustrating and am so tired of the "if it bleeds, it leads" news mantra. Re MSNBC Rachel Maddow is often good value. On the CBC news panel I like Chantal Hebert. I have had way too much of Sandie Renaldo.

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