Jun 3Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Eduardo, I want to cry. But then, Yehuda Berg's Satan: and Autobiography comes to mind. And I feel it's not too late. Still, how well you point out how much waste and pain could have been avoided. I agree, your message needs to reach so many more people, from "leaders" to "students" and "electors" everywhere.

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Many thanks Kati. Indeed, emerging leaders have to change the calculus of ppwer and govern differently.

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Jun 3Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Wonderful article! I wish that many políticians and decision makers read your article and reflect about taking information into account before taking long term decisions

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What if?

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Jun 3Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Great article. I didn’t know about the Shah and the aftermath of Syria, for example.

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Yes, the Iranian "revolution" is a fascinating example of what happens when leftists and Islamic fascists get into bed together. Much like what is happening in North America and Europe!

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