Mar 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

Very useful article for those of us who know little about Israel and or the Middle East.

Thank you, Eduardo.

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A very complex subject with competing views. Un abrazo!

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Mar 1Liked by Eduardo del Buey

I believe Jews have as much right to exist as any other people, and history has demonstrated that they are not safe anywhere in the world. They finally got their little corner in the world, in a place with tremendous spiritual significance to them, and they created a great democratic nation. They may have gone overboard in trying to expand, and I'm no expert here, but I believe they made every territory they occupied more prosperous and productive, giving their inhabitants the chance to fully participate, which is more than was ever granted them in all the pogroms to which they were subjected. Am I wrong?

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I agree completely. They left Gaza in great shape, only to have Hamas destroy the infrastucture and create a terrorist state. The Palestinians are, unfortunately, their own worst enemy. Big hug!

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75 años de ocupación denigrante, a pesar de las resoluciones de la ONU, es motivo suficiente para protestar en todo el mundo contra el genocidio dirigido por Netanyahu y sus secuaces. Poco interesa si el gobierno de Israel es o no facista o sionista. Los resultados, muerte de 20 mil niños, hablan por si mismo. Israel, con su actitud de superioridad, simplemente hará perdurable (o eterna) la imágen del judío errante. Eduardo, y la complicidad de EE.UU. en el genocidio no merece una líneas en cada artículo sobre Palestina?. Buen fin de semana amigo. Aaaah, olvidaba mencionar, Israel y sus soldados son los terroristas. Las víctimas, hace 75 años son los Palestinos.

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