Sep 8Liked by Eduardo del Buey

And what's the good news, Eduardo? Is there any?

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Unfortunately not. Russia continues to undermine the West on a number of fronts and Western leaders appear helpless to combat Russian moves. Indeed, many Western influencers are paid by Russia, including Western political leaders -- some in Canada. We are in the process of hanging ourselves and even providing the rope. Shameful!

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It’s horrible. Thank you for your wonderful analyses.

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Me ha interesado mucho la información que se analiza en este trabajo. gracias.

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Mil gracias Primo. Ya en dos semanas conversaremos sobte muchos temas! Un abrazo!

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BTW, I can't find the interview with Robert Noble.

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I tried the link and it works. I will send it to you again🌹🌹🌹

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I don't think I would like to understand how it has come to this in Hungary. It seems like it was not the Russians who were our abusers, but rather our own people.

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Indeed. And they support Orban.

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