Agree with most of this.

One factual correction. Membership obliges all EU member sates to allow free movement of EU citizens. Being within the Schengen Area means you have no border controls. So what NL will be able to do after withdrawing is to block the entry of non-EU citizens who have obtained a Schengen visa (or who have accessed the EU illegally). It won't allow the NL to turn away or expel EU citizens, Muslim or otherwise.

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Excellent point Steve. I stand corrected! Have a great day!

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Great article. I believe Anne Leahy was also ambassador in Syria. Brilliant Lady.

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M Marie, Anne also served as Ambassador to Cameroun, not Syria. Cheers and many thanks for reading!

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Désolée. She is still a brilliant lady.

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This is really good, Eddie.

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Many thanks Mickey! Glad you enjoy my articles! Are you subscribed to Introspections?

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No, sorry. It’s not resonating for me right now. 🤷‍♀️

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ok. Enjoy In the Crosshairs!

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